This AU will take place in Tiffany era.

Sungjin and Myunghoon face themselves each other. Sungjin felt jealousy because Myunghoon has someone else. But this is a misunderstanding. As Sungjin forces him to tell the truth, Myunghoon's tears shed again as he's not yet ready to tell the saddest truth.

Myunghoon: [cries] Sorry but.... Y/N and her friends will leave here soon....
Sungjin: [shocked] R... Really??!!
Myunghoon: [cries] Yes...

Myunghoon smiled in grief as it's actually a eyes. Sungjin was shocked to hear the news of the best friends. He sighed in disbelief and lets go and tosses Myunghoon on his bed roughly. Myunghoon breathes in a harsh way as he feel the pain and pressure.

Sungjin: [smirks] Haha... that was unbelievable.... Now this is it!!

He leans down on the bed and kisses Myunghoon on the neck roughly. Myunghoon groans in pain but he's trying to endure it and keep going himself on.

Myunghoon: Aghh– Are you really insane right now?!! No, you misunderstand me!! You don't know what exactly I mean!!!!
Sungjin: What do you mean? You're trying to make me mad without knowing all of this?!!! [chuckles] What kind of nonsense you did!!!
Myunghoon: [cries] Sungjin, please stop this.... I'm going explain the exact truth so you will know everything about it..... Aghh–

Sungjin didn't listen to Myunghoon's words and continues to kiss him until he left him a kiss mark. When he's about to do more, he paused for a moment and realized that Myunghoon is now crying in pain. He felt ashamed because it looks like he's attacking him and feeling scared now. He wipes his tears and hugs him to give comforts.

Sungjin: [whispers] I'm sorry.....

Myunghoon tries to breathe to stop crying. His kiss mark reaches to his heart, which is cause to throb faster..

Myunghoon: It's alright.....

He gets up on the bed and puts himself on his knees. They went in silence for a moment.

Sungjin: I'm really so sorry... I don't know why I did this to you....
Myunghoon: I know you're jealous because with someone else.... So then... are you ready to listen the exact truth?....
Sungjin: Yes....
Myunghoon: Well, I went to Mochi's house because Y/N's ribbon is dropped and quickly I saw it so give it to her.... And then.... I saw Y/N is crying [breathes] because her best friends will leave here soon... So I hugged her and played the piano to comfort her....
Sungjin: [sighs] Woah.... that's unbelievable... So that means.... they will not be together anymore?
Myunghoon: Supposedly... yes... Y/N will miss them so much and she will feel the pain again from in the past.... But the good thing for her is.... she's going to leave here just to be with them forever.....

Sungjin teared up after hearing for what happened between Y/N and her best friends and has no words to say about it. It was sad to see letting go from them.

Sungjin: So... when Y/N leaves, we will miss her so much... She seems she's a great friend after all and... also a sister to us....
Myunghoon: Oh... I feel the same... I wished she'll get a better life with them and.... hoped she still remember about us when she left....

He looked up at the ceiling to think what will going to be happen. Then, a flashback flashes on his mind.

"Hoped you three went all too well...."

He teared up when he remembers those warmful words and freezes for a moment.

Sungjin: Myunghoon, is anything okay?
Myunghoon: [wiping his tears] Huh? It's nothing and... I'm fine at all....
Sungjin: [pats him] Hey, don't be sad... At least she helped us to be together....
Myunghoon: [blushes] Huh– Being together... Really?....
Sungjin: [nods] Umhmm...

They paused for a moment.. Sungjin was feeling upset again for what he did for Myunghoon earlier. He's ready to confess to Myunghoon as he loves him.

Sungjin: I'm sorry again but I love you....
Myunghoon: Here.. this is for you....

He handed the ribbon given by Y/N. Sungjin was shocked to see the ribbon because it looks so beautiful and special just like him.. He gets the ribbon from Myunghoon's hand and his eyes sparkled in amazement.

Sungjin: Wow... This is so beautiful and.... is this is for me?

Myunghoon smiled as the ribbon is truly for Sungjin. Sungjin also smiled as he grasps the ribbon. He hugs Myunghoon as a sign of thanks.

Sungjin: [whispers] Thank you....
Myunghoon: I knew how you're really special to me...

They hugged each other to comfort from their desperate feelings.

---at the playground---

The three went on a playground because they have nothing to do for today. The sky is very gloomy so it's expected to rain soon.. Sunghoon and Hwansung were sitting on the swings while Yoomin is looking the reflection of a paddle. It seems they're worried for the last night's.

Hwansung: Man, it seems today is our boring day...
Sunghoon: Why? Is anything wrong about yesterday? Geez, Yuki won the soccer game and we celebrated it, and we take our dinner in a fancy restaurant. We should enjoy our happy moments first.
Hwansung: It's not about that, Sunghoon! Hmph! Whatever, let's wait for the next...

They looked down on Yoomin, as he's still looking the reflections of the paddle and playing it with the stick.

Hwansung: Yoominie?
Sunghoon: Is anything wrong? Why are you keep playing on that dirty paddle?

Yoomin: It's nothing.... It's just... I'm worried for the yesterday and today...
Hwansung: Hey, there's some good things to come soon! Just wait and see for more hopes!
Yoomin: There's other than that, Hwansung...
Hwansung: Huh–? Why?
Yoomin: It seems Y/N and her friends didn't respond to my calls and messages...
Hwansung: Silly, Yoomin. They're just busy for their year end party yesterday...
Yoomin: No, this is not I mean! I mean... they always reply in the morning but today.... [sighs] what if there's something wrong between them?...
Sunghoon: [clears his throat] Hmm! Okay, it seems Sungjin-hyung and Myunghoon-hyung were in a fight yesterday night..
Hwansung and Yoomin: [exclaims] Huh– what?!!!
Sunghoon: Yes, I heard it and Myunghoon screamed for something....
Yoomin: [panics] Oh my god, hoped there's nothing bad about them!!
Hwansung: Wha– what went happened?!!
Sunghoon: I don't know, I was asleep and I heard some sudden noises of them....

Hwansung and Yoomin were shocked in fear for what happened to them last night. They're very worried for the things happened to them yesterday. They quickly insisted Sunghoon to go back to their apartment.

Yoomin: How about we can go back so we can ask them for what happened....
Hwansung: Yeah....
Sunghoon: [nods] Alright....

They quickly ran back to their apartment to tell them what happened last night.

They're finally here and entering on Sungjin's room, they saw Sungjin and Myunghoon still sleeping, thus hugging each other. They really enjoyed their midnight sleep. It's so cute to see it again.... Sunghoon tries to wake them up but Hwansung have his grip to not disturb them.

Sunghoon: So okay, they still asleep?
Hwansung and Yoomin: Shhhh!! Of course, yes!!!

After they made noises, Sungjin wakes up and saw the three waiting at the door.

Sungjin: Huh? What are you all doing here?

Hwansung and Yoomin giggled after they seeing this.

Sunghoon: Can you please wake Myunghoon up because we need to ask you both.
Sungjin: [hushes] Shhh! Myunghoon is still asleep... But okay....

He tries to wake Myunghoon up as Sunghoon said. Myunghoon finally wakes up and rubbed his eyes to see what just happened.

Sungjin: Are you feeling okay?
Myunghoon: [grunts] I think so.... Eh? Why are you all here? What are you doing?
Yoomin: We're worried for what happened last night....
Hwansung: Yes, can you two please tell us what happened?
Myunghoon: Sure so.....

They gathered up as they going to tell and listen about it.

Sunghoon: So yeah... why you two have a fight yesterday night?
Sungjin: It's not a fight, Sunghoon.. I'm just feeling jealous to Myunghoon because he has someone else....
Yoomin: [gasps] Why?
Hwansung: Why are you– Ah, who is it?
Sunghoon: Wait, wait, wait! There's a mistake, Myunghoon never get someone else's other than you Sungjin!
Myunghoon: You're right, Sunghoon. I don't have any... Who ever said that I have someone yet? [breathes] But I comforted Y/N because she was sad to hear her best friends will leave here soon....
Yoomin: [eyes widened] No way... Why?! Is there's something wrong to them? Huh–
Myunghoon: Mochi's mother commanded her to go back to her country, along with Yuki.... Y/N will also leave with them just to keep her promise....

This made them in shock to hear the news about the best friends. Yoomin is trying to hold his tears because he's not ready for this...

Yoomin: Oh that's why.... [panics] I told you two there's really bad happening to them!!
Hwansung: Shh.... Calm down, Yoomin... It's okay, they'll be fine soon...
Yoomin: No way!!

Hwansung was about to comfort Yoomin but Yoomin distanced himself from Hwansung just to comfort himself.

Sungjin: [breathes] Yes, I realized I have misunderstanding because I thought he's having someone else to spend time on...
Sunghoon: Ohh... Maybe you overthink about it...
Sungjin: And I feel angry and attacked him just to tell him the truth...

Myunghoon slowly slides his hand down to show the kiss marks he got from Sungjin. This really made them in shock to see it.

Sunghoon: [exclaims] My god... Sungjin, what did you do that–
Sungjin: I know and I'm sorry.... I don't know what I'm getting in through my bitter feelings.... It is just me or someone bothering me to do that just to feel the affection?!!...

It seems he's about to cry because he's feeling guilty for what he did to Myunghoon. Myunghoon went closer to him.

Myunghoon: It's okay, it's okay... Don't worry, at least I'm still fine and healthy.... Just don't overthink what will happen, okay?....

Sungjin breaks down crying and Myunghoon hugs him tightly to comfort him. Yoomin and Hwansung shrugged for what just happened to them. Sunghoon give them a sigh and went to Myunghoon.

Sunghoon: Do you think you'll be fine by this?
Myunghoon: [whispers] Of course, yes.... Since I truly love him so much....

Sunghoon felt very worried for Myunghoon but he insisted he's fine with that. Sungjin looks up to Myunghoon.

Sungjin: I'm sorry again....
Myunghoon: No, no.... Everything is fine now, don't worry....

He wiped Sungjin's tears to see his beautiful eyes. Myunghoon was amazed to see Sungjin's beautiful and shiny eyes soaked by tears.

Myunghoon: Are you feeling alright now?
Sungjin: [nods] Umhmm! Yes...
Yoomin: Okay, how about let's have our group hug?
Hwansung: Yeah, it will be good for us!!
Sunghoon: Alright!!

They having their group hug as they said. They finally feel happy and comforted together. Sungjin is the one who finally gained positivity again because Myunghoon believes he loves him so much and so do him.

Myunghoon: See, I told you everything will be fine!
Sungjin: Ahh~ Thank you all!

---at the classroom---

Y/N is taking her examinations alone in the late afternoon. The school principal commanded her to take it in the afternoon because she's not present in the mornings. She needs to finish it before the graduation. She's almost done at one subject and it's finally done.

Y/N: Haa! Finally.... Oh–

A cat climbed on the window and jumped on her table.

Y/N: Oh hey!!

The cat messed up her papers and cause them to fall. Y/N picked them up.

Y/N: [giggles] Hey, I'm going to put these on the table, okay?

The cat sits down and waits for her to go back. She put her papers on the table and went back to her seat.

Y/N: Okay, come here to me. Meow, meow, meow...

She pets the cat and the cat felt comfortable and stretches as they enjoy it. She hugs the cat because it seems adorable at all.

Y/N: Awww... you're so cutie!! I've finally feel happiness through this...

The cat meowed as it's feeling happy because of her. Y/N giggled because she felt a feeling of happiness again. The cat meowed again as it feels hungry.

Y/N: You're hungry already? Ah, luckily I have some extra snacks I bring... Here you go!

She feeds the cat with a bone-shaped biscuit and the cat loves it. She drops some more if the cat still likes to eat. She smiled to see the cat very happy and healthy. She proceeds to write a letters for them. While she's writing, she deeply remember the good moments with them and how they're special to her as friends.

Sungjin holds Myunghoon's hand and walks in an empty classroom. The tables and chairs were put aside and they can roam anywhere. Myunghoon looks at the written blackboard by the students. There's a lot of fun messages and graffitis written here. Also he looked up the hanging polaroids of them being happy. He saw a photo Y/N and her best friends smiling together. At beside, he saw a photo Mochi kissing Yuki. This also made him smile to see it.
On the other hand, Sungjin looks at the tape and it's a music tape where the students' favorite songs were played. He puts the tape to play it. A soft music is playing. The music caught Myunghoon's attention. Sungjin walked to him.

Sungjin: So... is anything okay?
Myunghoon: [turns around] Ah– yes... I just mesmerized to see those cool drawings and pictures of them... It seems they look nice at all....
Sungjin: Interesting... Okay, how about let's do this...
Myunghoon: What?
Sungjin: Just stay here and lean...

Myunghoon leans on the wall as Sungjin said. Sungjin's hands ran to Myunghoon's chest to give him a touch. This made Myunghoon blush a little but he smiled.

Sungjin: Wow... you're so pretty when you smile.... Oh.. why is your face is red?
Myunghoon: [blushes] Ahh! It's nothing!
Sungjin: Just look at me...
Myunghoon: Oh no... I'm not yet ready for this.... But okay, here it goes....
Sungjin: Eh? Are you alright? It seems you're not feeling good at the moment..
Myunghoon: [breathes] It's okay, it's okay... Just do it now...
Sungjin: Okay, you can touch me if you want just like I did to you.. Take a deep breath first... :)
Myunghoon: [exhales] Alright...

He proceeds to crawl his hands on Sungjin's chest up to his shoulders. He's now holding his shoulders. Sungjin didn't feel crazy by his touch and he's just smiling at all.

Myunghoon: Hold on... You haven't being feel something when I touch you?
Sungjin: Oh, don't worry about that.. Anyone feels it depends on their feelings. You're feeling cute when I touch you, isn't? ^^
Myunghoon: [blushes] Ahh, no I'm not!! You're supposedly the one to–

Before he finish his sentence, Sungjin holds Myunghoon's neck and raised his toes to reach him.

Myunghoon: [mutters] Why are you doing this to me?....
Sungjin: [smiles] Hehe... I just want to feel it than than touch... Please love me like this....

He looked at Myunghoon prettily. Their gazes attracted on each other's sight and cause them to feel affection. Sungjin's face went closer to Myunghoon's but a loud music was playing next.

Myunghoon: [exclaims] Hey, what are you think you're doing?! Don't mess up with me!!
Sungjin: [laughs] Haha.. Don't worry, I won't...
Sunghoon: [breaks in] Hey you two, we still have our recording and practice for the remix!
Yoomin: [delighted] Oh my, what are you two doing here?!!!
Hwansung: [crazed] JAJAJAKK are you doing a good scenario?!!!
Myunghoon: No! We're just talking about something here in this classroom–
Sungjin: Shh!! You don't want to say about it, don't you?
Myunghoon: [screams] AHH!! NO WAY!!!!! YOOMIN, PLEASEEEEEE!!!

He runs away from Sungjin and Sungjin runs to him. He hides on Yoomin's back for help. He's literally crying inside right now.

Yoomin: [smirks] Don't act like a baby. Besides, you don't need help from me.
Myunghoon: [crying inside] Huhu... ㅜㅜ Pleaseee Yoomin!!!

Yoomin dashed from Myunghoon and cause Sungjin to hug Myunghoon. Myunghoon screams as Sungjin is feeling lovely to him. He loses his strength and fell down because of this fluttering feeling. The three giggled as it's super cute to see this scene.

Yoomin: Hey, how about we can write here?
Hwansung: Oh my, we can surprise the students by our messages!
Sunghoon: Oh yeah!!!

They proceed to the blackboard to write and draw something in the remaining spaces. They also taking photos on the students' camera. They look so silly and cute in every photos. They also having their practice for the remix performance. It seems they're having fun here and show remembrance for this class.

To be continued....