This AU will take place in Tiffany era.

Tonight is the year end party. Besides of their excitement, Mochi has an unexpected call from her auntie. Y/N and Yuki stand still to hear their conversation.

Mochi's auntie: "I'm sorry to say about this. But your mom told you to leave in South Korea after you graduated middle school..."

This message made the best friends in shock...

Y/N: [mutters] What?.....
Yuki: [mutters] No damn way....
Mochi: [stammers] W..w...wha... what? No way, we still want to stay here plus– I am ready to pursue high school here! I–I.. I... I– Can we talk about this tomorrow because we have an event to attend for!

Mochi's auntie sighed as she felt bad for her because for what she's feeling right now.

Mochi's auntie: "Sorry dear, I have no choice but you have to leave."
Mochi: [cries] No.. no.. no! Please no!! Just told my mom to stay here until the–

She was about to say her words but the call suddenly ended. She collapses and ended up crying as she don't want to leave here.

Mochi: [cries] Sorry, we messed up...
Y/N: [comforts her] No, no, no. It's not your fault, it's not your fault...
Mochi: [cries] No, no, it's actually my fault... I'm really so sorry, Y/N....

Y/N felt ashamed for what happened to her. Yuki clasps his fists tightly and punch them against the wall.

Yuki: So... so... so it means.... [exclaims] ARE WE GOING TO LEAVE HERE??!!!
Mochi: [cries] Y...y...yes.... So Y/N will be left alone...

Y/N really feel bad for her best friends and they're going to torn apart sooner. She also feel the same way as theirs because she's being alone and bullied for the whole school life. Luckily, she had Mochi and became best friends this year. This made Y/N shed a tear.

Y/N: [sniffles] Okay, let's have a talk about it.

She gets Mochi up to sit down on her bed. Yuki still standing and feeling frustrated about this.

Y/N: So are you two going to leave there after we graduated?....
Mochi: [sniffles] Yes.... as my auntie said from my mom and so Yuki's parents....
Y/N: I feel sorry for you two but I don't want to let go from you because remember we should be–
Mochi: [cries] I'm sorry.... I can't take your promise forever and I'm not be here anymore in the first year of high school.... So you should endure it without us.....
Y/N: [panics] No I can't! I'm scared for what will going to happen next! I'm scared when you disappeared! I'm scared to be left alone! I guess I'm fine to leave here just to stick with you–
Mochi: [cries] No way! How about NRG? How about them? You should still support them for their entire career. You're crazy, you're crazy, you're crazy! You're going to left them behind without knowing you're leaving??

Y/N went on silence after what Mochi said about them.

Y/N: [breathes] I know, they're only just idols but they're really good friends to us... Still.... as I promised, I just want to stay with you forever....

---at the event hall---

The students were very happy and enjoyed for the year end party. It was very full of loud noises and colorful lights everywhere. They also celebrated the victory of their soccer team Fire Lions.


A teammate of Fire Lions was looking for their team leader Yuki. It's already 9:00pm but he didn't come. He asks one of Yuki's classmate.

FL Player: Hey, are you a classmate of Yuki?

Yuki's classmate nodded as he knows about him.

FL Player: Okay, if you have your number, can you please call him?

Yuki's classmate grabbed his phone and dialed Yuki's number to call for his teammate.

Yuki's phone is ringing. He checks it out and it's a call from his classmate. Instead of rejecting it, he tossed it to stop as he is now stressed for this situation. He totally got pissed off because all of this.

Yuki: "Hey! This is Yuki's voicemail. Just leave me a call so I'll catch it up later!"

The call just ended by his voicemail. The FL Player sighed and Yuki's classmate stand still that he can't come here in this greatest party.

FL Player: [sighs] There's no signs of him... Thanks for the call....

---at mochi's room---

Y/N: [breathes] Listen, Mochi... I actually got bullied and left behind for my whole school life... I really received a lot of pain and sufferings from my classmates and I don't have any friends at all.... It's actually painful to have this rough feeling, right?.....

Myunghoon sneaks on Mochi's room and he saw Y/N and Mochi having a warmful talk. He felt bad for Y/N for her pain and sufferings she have. This made his heart torn and his tears will coming out on his beautiful eyes and tries to hold back.
Mochi nodded to her as she understands it and stunned after hearing her long time problem.

Mochi: [cries] Oh god... Why you didn't tell me this before?....
Y/N: I'm sorry.... You know, I might get scared when you'll get mad or upset because of this....
Mochi: No, there's nothing to get mad for.... And it's alright, Y/N.... Everyone has any problems just like you and me....
Y/N: Well, my dear Mochi.... I'm very grateful to have you as my best friend because you always here by my side and you made me laugh or blush, remember?

This moment made Myunghoon smiled as she told her happy moments to Mochi. He knew that Y/N is totally happy at all.

Mochi: Of course, yeah....
Y/N: [holds Mochi's hand] I'm going to say thank you for having me as my best friend and you really helped me to get on from all these problems.... And now.... things seems went well because of you and especially... for Yuki....

She smiled for Yuki, although he's literally stressed out.

Mochi: You're welcome, my dear Y/N..... As you promised, are you sure you're really going with us after we graduate or just stay here to support the group?.....
Y/N: [smiles] Of course, as I said, we should always be together forever....
Mochi: [giggles] That was good to hear, Y/N.... It's already late at night, are you still going to the party?
Y/N: Not now, Mochi.. Just to have my good sleep instead...
Mochi: Same to you, Y/N! Just leave and Yuki and I will talk about it! Good night and goodbye!
Y/N: Bye, Mochi!

She left as Mochi said. She didn't heard that Mochi actually said "goodbye" to her and makes her upset slowly. Mochi still worried for their problem and Yuki stood silently against the wall. She doesn't know she's going to solve them or not.

She saw a slender figure left the door open and leaves. She quickly chased it and it was Myunghoon.

Y/N: Myunghoon?....
Myunghoon: Y/N.....
Y/N: [stammers] W...wha..what are you doing here in her house?... I... I... I–
Myunghoon: It's already late at night and you haven't going to the party yet? What happe–
Y/N: I'm not a mood tonight, Myunghoon....
Myunghoon: I just found your ribbon here outside... Luckily, no one pick it up because I brought it for you and you really liked it... And you know, it's very special to you remember?....

Y/N looks at her ribbon found by Myunghoon. She remembers that he picked the sparkling and beautiful one for her. She really likes it and always hides it. But for now, she decides to give it to him.
Y/N: Hey... I think I'll give it for Sungjin now...
Myunghoon: Wha... what do you mean? I thought–
Y/N: Just keep it... Because since you truly like him a lot and he's very special for you....

Myunghoon blushed when Y/N's ribbon will keep it for Sungjin. The ribbon is so sparkling and beautiful just like Sungjin's gaze. He keeps and grasps it without any hesitation.

Myunghoon: [blushes] you?.... Huh–

He noticed that Y/N's makeup smudges off and trying to hold her tears.

Myunghoon: What happened to your makeup? It seems it messed up by your tears... Are you– are you crying? Tell me, it's anything wrong??

Y/N breaks up crying infront of Myunghoon. Myunghoon hugged her tightly and Y/N buried herself on his chest.

Myunghoon: I'm really so sorry....
Y/N: No, it's nothing....

Her tears left as a stain on Myunghoon's shirt. Myunghoon also slowly shed his tears as he feel bad for Y/N.

Myunghoon: Can you please tell me what exactly happened?....

Y/N is not ready to speak because of Mochi and Yuki are leaving here soon and she'll be alone again just like the past.

Y/N: [stammers] I... I.... I- I– My... my... my best friends will be leaving after we graduate.... Then I'm also going to leave just to stick with them forever.... I wanted to fulfill my promise for us together....

Myunghoon: It's alright, it's alright, it's alright.... That's your choice to leave here and that's a promise for them, right?

Y/N wipes her tears and nodded.

Myunghoon: Okay, come here.

He pats Y/N's back to calm down and brings her around. He saw Mochi's piano on her living room. He puts Y/N down to sit. He touches the keys as mesmerized to see it.

Myunghoon: Wow.... Does she play this before?....
Y/N: [chuckles] Nope, she doesn't know how to play it....
Myunghoon: Oh... [breathes] Okay, listen to this....

He closes his eyes as he's ready to play the piano.

Y/N: Wow... he looks so pretty.... Huh–

A familiar piece played in a piano. The piece is played is 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'. Y/N felt nostalgic as she remembers the good moments of her life. The piano version is very sad than the original's. Mochi and Yuki sneaks in to hear a harmonious sound. The next piece is an unfamiliar piece that anyone else haven't heard before. This is more deeper and intense. This is the sound of pain and grief as they feeling right now. When Myunghoon pressed the highest key, Y/N widened her eyes as she felt a pierce on her back. Now it's finished. They all stunned in silence after listening these pieces. Myunghoon opened his eyes and it feels like nothing happened here.

Myunghoon: So... how did it feel?

Y/N can't say a word after she listened to this. Her loneliness seems it's grieving down. Myunghoon seems worried to them.

Myunghoon: [sighs] Hoped you three went all too well....

---at sungjin's room---

It's 11:00pm, almost close to the midnights, Sungjin can't sleep because to wait for Myunghoon. Now, Myunghoon is still not here and Sungjin is already impatient. Sungjin is trying to call Myunghoon a lot of times but he didn't answer it.

Sungjin: [sighs] Ughh... where have you been, Myunghoonie? I've been waiting here for hours just to wait you to come back...

Myunghoon: Sungjinnie... Are you feeling okay?

Sungjin was shocked to see Myunghoon in his room. But he still wonders why Myunghoon went away for hours.

Sungjin: Huh.... where have you been? You took so long from someplace... I thought you're always here in time... I–
Myunghoon: I know... But there's something happening right now...

Sungjin looks down at Myunghoon and he saw a wet stain on Myunghoon's shirt.

Sungjin: [stares] What is this on your shirt?

Myunghoon can't tell Sungjin about this because Y/N buried herself on him and cried. He don't want to tell the desperate times of her. A tear will shed on his eye again.

Myunghoon: Uh.... [wipes his tears] it's just some sweat from running away....
Sungjin: [intense] Really?!! It seems it's actually someone's tears!! You let someone to wipe their tears on your shirt?!! It's awful to see it!!!
Myunghoon: No, it's not.... It's just.....

Sungjin grabs Myunghoon's shirt and pinned him against the wall. Myunghoon desperately needs to breathes but Sungjin kept holding him tight. His eyes looks at Sungjin in a wrathful sight. He's scared to know what will happen next to them... Sungjin also noticed some dry tears on Myunghoon's face.

Sungjin: [exclaims] Please explain to me!!
Myunghoon: Why are you like that? You never been like this to me!!! I thought–
Sungjin: It's none of your business!! Just please explain everything.... NOW!!!!

Myunghoon is completely worried for Sungjin's feeling right now. He knows that Sungjin feels jealousy and he doesn't want to hurt him. As Sungjin forces him to tell the truth, Myunghoon's tears shed again as he's not yet ready to tell the saddest truth.

Myunghoon: [cries] Sorry but.... Y/N and her friends will leave here soon....
Sungjin: [shocked] R... Really??!!
Myunghoon: [cries] Yes...

Myunghoon smiled in grief as it's actually a eyes. Sungjin was shocked to hear the news of the best friends. He sighed in disbelief and lets go and tosses Myunghoon on his bed toughly. Myunghoon breathes in a harsh way as he feel the pain and pressure.

To be continued...